... you have had your talk on larry king you and your clowns has did all kinds of bnasety/b things to rihanna. and you think that the ncfm can help you well thats all they can do is help your azz because you seem to be the one who needs help and you b....../b He owned up to it and kept it moving, nut she waited months later to say something about it after she went on a bvacation/b with him, now she disgusted. Man get out of here. I'm not defending him because he was dead wrong, ...
Indi pa bnaset/b ang date as of now. CARE Alimodian will try to make a page on CARE Volunteers that they will link to the website so us Bloggers can see who they are and thank them properly. Comment from: al [Member] 03/18/06 @ 20:24 b....../b I am still on bvacation/b mood. However, I have not stopped and think before going into heavy duty work schedule. PLease keep me posted or just tell me what to do next since you are more in touch with the program. ...